Maria is an Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor (IET) and Reiki/Seichem Practitioner. She became interested in Angels over 12 years ago when she attended Angel Workshops held in the local Hotel in her hometown of Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. She was so impressed with the healing energy generated at these workshops that when her sister Derbhille (a qualified Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor and Reiki Seichem Master) asked her if she was interested in attending one of her training workshops she was easily persuaded. She completed Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels with Derbhille and in 2009 completed her Master Level with Stevan J. Thayer, the Founder of the Centre of Being in Woodstock, America. Maria is a member of this Organisation.
She then was introduced to the beautiful energy of Reiki/Seichem and completed Level I in March, 2012 and Level II in May, 2013, again with her sister Derbhille through Clarke Training Company. She believes that what sets Reiki apart from other healing modalities is the process of opening up the energy channels via the attunements. Attunement does not give the person something new, but unlocks what was always there. It is just like switching on a light – the electricity is present, but someone has to press the switch to activate it.